Phra Bodhirak

Phra Bhodhirak started the Asokes that are located throughout Thaialnd in 1975.  He was originally ordained in 1970 by the Dhammayutika Sect but subsequently left that sect, particularly because of his frustration with the ineffectiveness of the orthodox ecclesiastial order. 
He proclaims in his autobiography Truths About My Life that "My mission is to revive Buddhism in Thailand."  He is doing just that and spreading the his teachings in a number of ways including the free distribution of hundreds of thousands of books annually that are printed at the Asokes, a television and radio station.  These various forms of media have helped to create a sense of community amongst followers and makes the Asokes much more cohesive.  At the Asokes there is a strong emphasis on simplicity, hard work, and self sacrifice.